Coping With Sorrow on The Loss of Your Pet by Moira Anderson, 1994
Simon The Pointer by Joan Winer Brown, 1996
The Accident by Carol Carrick, 1976
The Foundling by Carol Carrick, 1977
How to Survive the Loss of a Love by Melba Colgrove, Harold Bloomfield and Peter McWilliams, 1991
Cracker Still Lives Here by Connie Cummings, 1995
Does Anybody Else Hurt This Carlene Eneroth, 1991
"If There's Anything I Can Do..." by Carlene Eneroth, 1988
Maya's First Rose by Martin Scot Kosins, 1992
Absent Friend by Laura and Martyn Lee, 1992
Coping With the Loss of a Pet by Christina Lemieux, 1988
A Final Act of Caring by Mary and Herb Montgomery, 1993
Goodbye My Friend by Mary and Herb Montgomery, 1991
When Your Pet Dies by Jamie Quackenbush, 1985
When a Pet Dies by Fred Rogers, 1988
"Oh, Where Has My Pet Gone?" by Sally Sibbitt, 1991
The Loss of a Pet by Wallace Sife, 1993
Children and Pet Loss by Marty Tousley, 1996
My Personal Pet Remembrance Journal by Enid Traisman, 1997
The Tenth Good Thing About Barney by Judith Viorst, 1971
I'll Always Love You by Hans Wilhelm, 1985
A Child's View of Grief by Alan Wolfelt, 1990
Without Guilt by Dottye Steinbach, 1997
The Final Farewell by Marty Tousley and Katherine Heuerman, 1997
The Rainbow Passage: Pet Loss Support and Bereavement Center Coping With Pet Loss and Grief: Grief in General and Suggestions on Coping |
1528 E. River Rd.
Grafton, WI 53024
United States